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The Wolf of Wall Street: tutte le canzoni presenti nel film

29/12/2013 | News |
The Wolf of Wall Street: tutte le canzoni presenti nel film

"La cosa principale circa l'uso di Marty della musica è che è senza paura, creativamente senza paura", ha recentemente dichiarato Randall Poster, il music supervisor di THR in merito al lavoro fatto in The Wolf of Wall Street. La colonna sonora ufficiale del film presenta 16 canzoni, che rappresentano però una goccia d' acqua nel mare dei quasi 60 brani riprodotti nel film. Ovviamente un film lungo quasi tre ore si appoggia moltissimo ai brani musicali alcuni che sostengono sequenze chiavi del film come Everlong dei Foo Fighters. Ma non tutte potevano finire nella colonna sonora ufficiale ed ecco quindi tagli importanti come Cypress Hill, Sir Mix A Lot e Naughty By Nature. Visto che in molti si chiederanno quali sono le canzoni presenti nel film di Scorsese, con Leonardo DiCaprio autentico mattatore, vi presentiamo la lista completa delle opere presenti, ricordandovi che solo 16 saranno inserite nell'OST ufficiale.

Tutte le canzoni in "The Wolf of Wall Street"

"Stratton Oakmont" -Composed by Theodore Shapiro
"Dust My Broom" - Elmore James
"Informercial" - Composed by Theodore Shapiro
"Score from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" - Composed by Michael Karp
"Exotic Vacations" - Composed by Theodore Shapiro
"Dust My Blues" - Elmore James
"Spoonful" - Howlin' Wolf
"Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" - Cannonball Adderley
"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" - Ian Dury
"Bang! Bang!" - Joe Cuba
"Tear It Down" - Clyde McCoy
"Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)" - Billy Joel
"Surrey with the Fringe on Top" - Ahmad Jamal Trio
"Road Runner" - Bo Diddley
"Stars and Stripes Forever" - Arranged by William D. Revelli
"Smokestack Lightning" - Howlin' Wolf
"Double Dutch" - Malcolm McLaren
"Cloudburst" - Lambert, Hendricks & Ross
"Insane in the Brain" - Cypress Hill
"King Arthur, Act 3: What Power Art Thou" - Performed by The Monteverdi Choir
"Steve Madden 'Chick Walker' Commercial" - Composed by Human
"Never Say Never" - Romeo Void
"There Is No Greater Love" - Ahmad Jamal Trio
"Boom Boom" - John Lee Hooker
"C'est Si Bon" - Eartha Kitt
"Give Me Luv" - Alcatraz
"Uncontrollable Urge" - Devo
"Moonlight in Vermont" - Ahmad Jamal Trio
"Pretty Thing" - Bo Diddley
"In the Bush" - Musique
"Can't Help Falling in Love" - Written by Luigi Creatore, Hugo Peretti and George Weiss
"Goldfinger" - Sharon Jones & The DAP-Kings
"Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix-A-Lot
"Everlong" - Foo Fighters
"The Oompa Loompa Song" - Written by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley
"Hey Leroy, Your Mama's Callin' You" - Jimmy Castor
"Sloop John B" - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
"Boom Boom Boom" - The Outhere Brothers
"I Need You Baby (Mona)" - Bo Diddley
"Meth Lab Zoso Sticker" - 7Horse
"Flying High (from Family Matters)" - Composed by Bennett Salvay and Jesse Frederick
"I'm Popeye the Sailor Man (from Popeye Meets Hercules)"- Written by Sammy Lerner
"Get Us Down (from Family Matters)" - Composed by Bennett Salvay and Jesse Frederick
"I Don't Want to Walk Without You (from Popeye Meets Hercules)" - Written by Frank Loesser and Jule Styne
"Dream Lover (from Popeye Meets Hercules)" - Written by Clifford Grey and Victor Schertzinger
"Score from Popeye Meets Hercules" - Composed by Winston Sharples
"One Step Beyond" - Inspecter 7
"Hip Hop Hooray" - Naughty by Nature
"Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting" - Charles Mingus
"Gloria" - Umberto Tozzi
"Ca Plane Pour Moi" - Plastic Bertrand
"Cast Your Fate to the Wind" - Allen Touissant
"Mrs. Robinson" - The Lemonheads
"The Money Chant" - Performed by Robbie Robertson featuring Matthew McConaughey


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